
reverse discrimination

re.verse discrimi'nation
the practice of giving unfair treatment to a group of people who usually have advantages, in order to be fair to the group of people who were unfairly treated in the past
positive discrimination
1. And of course I wouldn´t allow race discrimination in my school.

2. MISS DIETRICH: (Walking up and down nervously) But didn´t you say that you would not allow any race discrimination in your school?
    迪特里希小姐 (不安地踱来踱去)你不是说过,在你的学校里不允许有种族歧视存在吗?

3. MISS OGDEN: Who´s talking of discrimination?
    奥格登小姐 谁在说什么种族歧视?

4. Racial discrimination still exists.

5. Racial discrimination still exists.

6. Reverse your jacket. It started to rain.
    把你的外衣翻过来穿, 下雨了。
